Hi everyone! Thanks so much for being a subscriber. “Fear” got a good response so I’ve decided to add another newsletter option for my take on current events called “Social Justice & Me.”
As a subscriber, you can opt-out of any of the newsletters that I currently write; so… say you’re here because you love Cincy theater but you don’t care about the mental health or social justice stuff. Well, go into your subscription options and select “The Sappy Critic” and unselect the others.
Maybe you’re just here for the mental health stuff and don’t care about my novel or my opinion about current events. That’s great! Just subscribe to Healing, Helping, Hoping, and unselect the rest.
You get the idea.
You’re welcome to read anything and everything I write, especially as a paid subscriber. I’d also encourage you to share things if you like them so we can boost our subscribership. But most all, I just hope that you’re finding this experience enriching, inspiring, and thought-provoking no matter which newsletters you read.